
Business, Special Economic Zones in Poland

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Polish bus factories: pedal to the metal
2011-10-26 13:06

Poland is a third bus and coach producer in Europe. This year, production and sales have risen, but this branch can expect a slow-down next year.
One year earlier, the situation on the market looked horrible: production had fallen down by one third, exportation decreased, and local market was weakened. Now, the bus producers makes up for losses. According to JMK analysts, in recent 3 quarters from productions lines, 8.4% more buses were finished. MAN – biggest producer in Poland- counts on rise of 20%. Moreover its rank in Starachovice were strengthened by launching a production line of Neoplan coach skeletons.

 The second in rank is Solaris – 695 buses and 41 trolleybuses produced gave a rise of 10%. The third place is occupied by Volvo, fourth Scania. According to prestige association ACEA we are the third producer after Germany and Sweden. And the main exporter too. Export improves as well, but slowly- of 3%. The situation of producers radically differs between each other. If MAN and Solaris pulls the results, the Swedish companies, i.e. Scania slow down. In the meantime the real boom is on polish market. The rise in sales reaches 43% and all producers have improved the results. However, further perspectives are not as optimistic. Producers fears the second wave of crisis.

Apart from better results, this year brings another positive news: Poland becomes potentate in producing ecological buses. Volvo Poland takes part in realization of big contract for Norway from which one-third will be equipped with hybrid engine.

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