
Business, Special Economic Zones in Poland

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Successful year for local breweries
2011-12-30 09:54

In 2011 regional beer brands will increase sales of 10%.
From our newest estimations results that average rise in sales of local producers can even approach 10% - Andrzej Olkowski, Local Brewery Association President says. It is much better result than a whole market, dominated by large companies. The Association estimates that this year a whole sales will rise in Poland of 2%. Despite the fact that local breweries have only 5-6% share in polish market and receive more and more customers from large companies. InARC’s research 47 % of people admited that drinking local beers resulted that they consume less drinks produced by companies. 5% or respondents had declared that they do not drink mass beer at all.
The research has been made between October and November. The company has questioned 1000 citizens of large cities , which drink at least once in a month regional beer.


 Polish market in mature and consumers feel saturation of standard offer of large companies. That’s why they more and more often look for new brands and sorts of beer . The fact that customers that drink regional beer, rarely buy mass beer , can be a hint to companies kto differentiate the offer. This year Żywiec group introduced 10 new beers, including bock, wheat, and non-pasteurized brands. Th last one also was introduced by Kompania Piwowarska, the market leader. There is no space for new lagers in Poland. With so saturated market a new on would take a share from existing brands. Large companies that want to develop the sales must invest in niche beer. Poland will follow the German and Belgian markets, where the offer of of beers is much wider. However, those changes will not change a fact that favourite brand of poles is lager. Currently this kind owns 90% of market.

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