
Business, Special Economic Zones in Poland

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Economic zones will at least last until 2026
2012-10-18 13:37

The Ministry of Economy has already prepared regulations extending the activities of economic zones.
There are 14 regulations, just as the number of the zones, which are already waiting to be approved by the legal office in The Ministry of Economy. Once the regulations are signed they will be put on the agenda of the Standing Committee of the Council Of Ministers. This may happen in the middle of June. The last thing to be done will then be signing the regulations by the Government. It will have to hurry up; otherwise, the investments for the economic zones may be jeopardized by delay.
According to the existing rules the zones can operate until 2020 only, and that under no circumstances will gratify the new investors.

Those who wanted to start business and to build manufacturing plant would now not have enough time to make income.
The zones so far will last for 6 years more. However, according to the consulting experts the extending until 2026 will only be a temporary measure; a longer perspective is needed. Otherwise, according to Pawel Tynel, the head of Department of Investment Grants and Subsidies, in three or four years the situation will be the same. The officials from the Ministry of Economy claim that 6 years will be enough.

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