
Business, Special Economic Zones in Poland

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Sudecki Association of Employers
2013-02-06 15:06

Sudecki Association of Employers was founded in 1992. Among its the main activities are representing and protection of interests of united members before labor unions, governmental and state institutions as well as local governments. The union takes part in such activities as designing and starting new businesses, which aim is reduction of unemployment. It also collaborates with institutions, which mission is preparation and granting regional businesses beneficial conditions, so that they would be able to compete with other companies on the European market. It support companies in applying and acquiring Structural Funds.

Sudecki Association of Employers is a member of regional PKPP Lewiatan. It has realized a project titled “Moje kompetencje - moja praca" (My skills are my Job) under P.1.1 POKL (01.03.2009 until 29.02.2010, budget 760.000 PLN). The goal of the project was increasing the employment possibilities for young people in Walbrzych region.

There was an Informative project with the budget of 450.000 PLN, which has been realized under the 8.1.3 POKL. It ended in October 2012. There were 3 conferences organized under the project. Totally, there were 192 entrepreneurs who attended these conferences.

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