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How to write a European CV?
2013-11-12 12:12

Many Poles go abroad to seek work. Then a very important element is to have the appropriate application documents, including the biography. How should you write it in order to form complies with the needs in Europe?


The European Commission developed a universal model of CV binding in the European Union. The European CV is different in structure from the Polish. On the left side of the CV headings are the names of the various categories of information. Do not make any changes in these fields, however delete them if you do not enter any information there.

At the top of the resume is the place to put pictures, where it is required by the employer. The preferred format is jpg.
The European CV is divided into the following sections:

  • Personal datahere you write the name or names and surname, preferably in capital letters, full postal address - if permanent address is different from mailing address please provide both plus you can select which address is proper to find you and send you letters; phone number, e-mail address (please indicate whether it is private or business address), nationality, date of birth and sex.

  • Desired employment / Occupational fieldhere you should specify the place of employment or occupational category.

  • Work experiencehere, please give previous employment, starting from the last. You must specify the duration of employment, job titles, responsibilities and give the name and address of the company.

  • Education and training in this place you must give descriptions of schools or courses which were completed diploma or certificate. Give the starting and ending date of education in separate program types, the title of qualification, general and vocational subjects, then the name and address of the educational / training institution

  • Skills and competencies - it is column of your skills and competences acquired in the whole career and life. You do not necessarily give the document. You can give information about: social, artistic, technical, organizational skills. You must also specify the native language and provide the degree of knowledge of foreign languages ​​on the basis of self-assessment (in terms of speaking, listening, reading and writing in that language). Then it would be here information about competence in computer skills, driving license - you must specify a category.

  • Additional information – may be placed here the titles and brief descriptions of publications or scientific research, information about membership in various associations, and those persons who could provide references.

  • Attachmentsall documents submitted with your resume, such as a photocopy of certificates, diplomas.


European CV template is available in different languages ​​of European countries on the website:
riting your CV, remember that this is the main document by which you will be judged and considered in the selection. This document has to be deprived of grammatical errors or unnecessary information when applying for the position. CV should not be too long, it will be our showcase which will encourage the employer to meet and interview.

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