
Business, Special Economic Zones in Poland

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Foreign Policy: Seven countries including Poland benefited f
2014-09-09 14:33

Foreign Policy mentioned Poland among the seven countries which succeeded to overcome the crisis. According to the magazine, Poles worked harder than other European nations; it has been estimated that they usually have about 500 hours more than Germans.

Foreign Policy reports the following countries to have done their best during the crisis: South Korea, Canada, Sweden, Mexico and Poland.
According to Mr. Grabowski people will get poorer and there is nothing to do with that.
However, while the situation in Europe was bad, it was good enough in Poland. In 2008 – 2011 the economy in Poland increased up to 15,8 percent, while in European Union it reduced in 0,5 percent. 2009 was the worst year as in terms of the crisis, but Poland was the only European Union country which did not have recession.
Competent management made a miracle.
Analytics are giving good opinions about fiscal and monetary policy, as well as low level of Government Dept. This became a ‘polish’ miracle. Thanks to the internal market, polish companies were less dependant on export comparatively to Poland’s neighbours.
Joshua E. Keating also adds that Poles did their best and worked really hard in comparison to theirs neighbours, doing annually about 500 hours, which is more than in Germany, despite the fact that salaries in Poland are half less than Germany.
However, according to the magazine economy problems in other countries negatively influence Polish Economy. Poland recently had to review its economy growth outlook for 2013 and change the index from 2.0 to 2.2.

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