
Business, Special Economic Zones in Poland

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Black clouds over SEZes' development
2011-10-10 09:42

Rapid capital flow to polish Special Economic Zones will slow down soon. There are black clouds over horizon. This year leaves are the effects of last year negotiations. In next year we expect a slowdown.

The cause is uncertain economic situation. “The number of talks on leaves has decreased. We do not have any new partners” admits Marek Bogumił, the president of Starachowice SEZ.

It is known that anxieties on second crisis wave will slow down job making. Even with this-year high expenditure growth, the investors declare much less new jobs than a year before. In recent three quarters it has been planned to employ nearly 6 000 people, whereas in last year period it was 8 600. It is also the effect of reinvestment, where companies use old employees for cost optimizing.

The perspective of current investment flow is even more serious, because the government has not already decided whether to prolong the SEZ after 2020. It would cause that some companies would not take advantage of allowances. The prolongation would seriously improve the attractiveness of SEZes. Especially with running out Euro funds and smaller governmental grants. The stake is high- according E&Y, till the end of 2010 it has invested 73 billion zlotys, created 167 000 new jobs, and 58 000 jobs were saved.

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