
Business, Special Economic Zones in Poland

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Polish sugar will sweeten eastern markets
2011-10-19 08:29

After entering the Moldavian market, Polish Sugar Company considers investment in Ukraine. The biggest producer of sugar in Poland, Polish Sugar Company wants to enter the Ukrainian market. According to media there, PSC is interested in investment in two new refineries in Wolyn, Vladimir Volhynia and in Horochov region. Information about plans has appeared after the visit of PSC authorities: Bartosz Peczkowski, director of strategy and development and Edward Wylupek, president of Werbkowice refinery. They met with local authorities and refineries’ share holder representatives.
Most possible is buying the first factory which is on the edge of bankruptcy and starves from capital. “Currently, the company does not have any investment projects or plans in Volhynia” – Sylwia Kalska from PSC said.

However, in recent year, the company bought a closed refinery in Moldavia, where production starts this year. The target is to produce there 10% (600 000 tons) of whole production. The amount of transaction has not been revealed, but unofficial sources estimate it between 100 and 200 million zlotys. Despite the fact that entering Ukrainian market is not yet confirmed, the visit was coldly received by local sugar producers. Currently, Ukraine produces 2.1 – 2.2 million tons of sugar, while local consumption equals 1.9 million. Locals say that authorities should protect local industry.

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