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International gang of robbers bank accounts was smashed
2012-10-10 11:27

  On Tuesday U.S. investigators announced the arrest of 24 people in various countries around the world who were suspected for using stolen credit card numbers and banking information in order to rob bank accounts.
For two years FBI agents acted in the role of hackers in online forums, As a result of investigation they prevented the theft of money from accounts in the sum of 205 million dollars with 411 thousand stolen credit card numbers and debit.

Federal Prosecutor in New York and the FBI reported that 11 people, who belonged to a criminal grid, were arrested in the United States and 13 in various countries from Britain to Japan.
Attorney Preet Bharara said the investigation is not completed. "Clever computer criminals, who are acting under the dubious veil of the Internet, are targets of the search long arm of justice" - he said.
Among arrested were men aged 18 to 25 years. If they were convicted they will be sentenced to prison for 40 years.
On Tuesday two of three people arrested in the New York area have to stand before a federal judge. One of the detainees Mir Islam, known as "JoshtheGod", is accused of stealing 50 thousand bank card numbers.
The investigation of FBI focused on the online forum called "Carder Profit"(set up in June 2010), which essentially served to criminal activities involving the exchange of stolen bank card numbers. Forum was closed in May this year.

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